Saturday, March 13, 2021


There is this thing called sex. I know you know about it. Everyone seems to know what 'sex' is all about; don't they? 

But, surprisingly, more than 95% of the people I've counseled across continents, didn't seem to really know what 'sex' was. In fact, as I've discovered, this is exactly WHY most people fail in their romantic sides of LIFE - and in fact, in LIFE generally. Does that make your heart skip? 

It's one reason it may seem that wealthy people tend to make romantic connections faster. Most people may think of this merely in terms of financial inducement of and by corresponding would-be romantic matches. But, in terms of the spirituality (which is the reality) of the matter, the aura that attracts wealth has also been discovered to be the aura that attracts other good things of life - including romantic connections. It's the aura of inner deposits of power. Soon, we shall be delving more deeply into this and more and more. 

To start with, there's this common assumption that SEX IS SHABBY. But, how come so many people have such a low opinion of the means through which they themselves came into EXISTENCE in the first place? If the means through which  YOU came into existence was to be shabby truly, what else could ever be sacred to you?

Well, I understand that this is a vestige of shallow religiosity sold to us by a decadent society right from our respective formative years. The poor attitudinal tradition has lasted and calcified over centuries. So, hardly is anyone to blame for it now. 


I'd be taking some time over a week or so, to expose to you the endless power you have in what you call sex as I reveal the centrally deep but simple spirituality of every person's sexual makeup.

Clue: Most people feared across our societies as spiritual stalwarts, are people who have learned some of the secrets I'm going to be sharing with you. I will also share verifiable success stories both from me and other people I've taught these secrets. Then, everyone will share his/her experiences in a live online atmosphere.

The power of the Living God is religiously neutral. Established religions often try to pursue spiritual paths but soon get stuck in the web of dogma and dogmatism. Now, what we call 'sex' represents what I called "the greatest and most available sea of raw spiritual powers" in another publication. 

Maybe, you know this truth to an extent already but you're still struggling with it - because everywhere these things are discussed, they are surrounded with so much complexity. But, at this online colloquium, I hope to assist you to find, not only perfect peace, but also perfect power in your simple sexuality. Our catch-phrases at the colloquium are going to be "reality over religion" and "simplicity over complexity" as regards accessing God's holy power domiciled in EVERY human vessel (such as YOU). Thank you!


Already overtaken. But there will be another occasion for it. Thanks.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Zero Fear Lifestyle Part Two

(This should make better sense to you if you read the part 1 first HERE.)

If you remember there was a time you did not have your life as it is now (human, concrete, pulsating and consciously here), and yet it hardly made any difference to you, then, it should not worry you that you are going to stop having this life any time soon. So, tell yourself the raw truth now and here: AS I WAS BEFORE I WAS BORN A FEW YEARS AGO, SO WILL I BE IN A COUPLE OF DECADES, YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, DAYS, HOURS OR, POSSIBLY, EVEN MINUTES. Allow this truth to really dawn on you...

Let this truth speak through you to you. Then, to get totally comfortable in this realization, I enjoin on you to take full advantage of the will of God as most graciously and uniquely revealed in the New Testament: What I Call the Oneness-With-God Doctrine and which I consider the height, length, breadth and depth of the New Testament revelation. It is the very reason Jesus came. In Jesus, Divinity united with humanity as a standard for the rest of us. Jesus taught us this doctrine in word and gave us himself as a living example of it. He also died because of it for they accused him of considering himself as God which topped the list of why they killed him. Then, he resurrected to prove it, that when you unite your human life to its Source, the Divine Life, your life remains and even far better when human life is lost. (Take time to think over this before I continue. Let the truth of it soak through you to the marrow of your spirit. I'll be right back). EXPECT TO BE BLESSED FOR SHARING THIS POST BY WHATEVER MEANS THAT'S APPROPRIATE AND AVAILABLE TO YOU.

*** NOTE: I will soon find time to continue this topic from where we left off. 



I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Zero Fear Life Style: Learn It's Greatest Secret In Minutes

The other day, I was granted a brief peep into the spirit realm where I saw 98% of humanity gripped by deep subconscious fears. Topping the list of the objects of these fears were terrorism, war, organized crime,  poverty, pestilence and suchlike, and ultimately, death. And one area suffering so much from this human pandemic slavery to fear, is our productivity as a world and as individuals. For example, you can't believe the number of people who are not producing enough because, deeply under their breath they are thinking, "there's no point spending much of myself to build what I know I'd soon be relieved of".

Here, I share with you a message inspired by this vision. In another post, I will also share with you a very simple approach I received, which believers - as a matter of Divinely assigned responsibility - will use to put an end to organized terror in our world and respective countries. But, we can't do that without, first, defeating our slavery to fear. HOW I WISH YOU'D SUCK IN THIS TRUTH AND POWER TO THE LAST WORD. Now, the message:

I tell you this: that human life is an extremely beautiful thing to have. Yet, I also tell you, that human life is not at all a compulsory thing to have, for there is something better than human life, and which any of us can have right here and now. As one scripture puts this cardinal truth, "Oh Lord, your love is better than life itself" (Psalm 63:3).

Yes, the Source of Life is most correctly to be valued above life itself, or what do you think? And that Source is what you are going to start accessing just now. When you do, it will never ever again matter to you that you might lose your life, for all fear is the fear of death as someone said. For, to have a direct access to the Source of Life and still be afraid that you might lose that life, would be as stupid as having unrestrained access to a water reservoir and still fear that you might lose a cup of water you got from the reservoir. Think about this. I am almost certain that YOU who was responsible enough to read this message to this point so far, cannot afford to be that stupid.

As utterly great as your life absolutely is, it obviously has a Source other than itself. As great as your life clearly is - which is why you worry so much about the possibility of losing it - it still compares to its Source as a cup of water to the reservoir. The cup of water is great indeed, but the reservoir is incomparably great. Your life is a cup of water fetched from the Reservoir of Life whom we so belittlingly call 'God'.

Well, the name we call this Reservoir never matters as much as the Reservoir Himself. So we'd better focused on The Reservoir Himself, because this is a Reservoir of consciousness and will and utter reality just as we are. That's part of what the scripture means that says we are made in His Image and Likeness.

Well, are we only weaving words for the sake of literary aesthetics? Certainly not, for even this very moment, it is being proved everywhere that what we are saying is total reality beyond just words.


I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Parable of The Unwary Genius

There once lived a genius who had much ideas. Let us call him Kristos. Kristos believed it was his mission to make those ideas available. And he believed everyone else should do as he was doing so that "we can all get better at living life".

Unfortunately, Kristos' countrymen had a different belief from him which, in fact, was what stood him out among them. But, how did his countrymen have a different belief from him about the same matter?

Like Kristos, they also believed ideas should be shared among us. But unlike Kristos who believed ideas should be shared to help us all get better at living life, his country men believed ideas are shared to show how much one knows more than other people.

So, because Kristos believed sharing ideas was a fundamental human mission, he tried to do it with great fervor. But because his countrymen thought ideas are shared to prove one's superiority over others, rumors spread like wildfire that Kristos was the most arrogant braggart in town. And everyone took him that way.


But, although a genius he was, Kristos himself did not realize this. He only was surprised that whenever he offered his ideas in good faith, he was massively attacked everywhere in town. "Do they hate good things?" Kristos often wondered to himself. "Why are they only out to pick fight with me when I'm only out to help solve their own problems?"

Then, one day, he read where it was written, "Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not throw your jewelry to pigs, or they will trample it underfoot and turn around to attack you" (Mathew 7:6). Would you blame the dogs and pigs for not knowing the value of jewelry and for mistaking a gift of it for an attack that must be returned?

"No" said Kristos, "it's not quite fair to blame them. Instead, we may have to blame the human who fails to recognize that dogs and pigs wouldn't appreciate the value of jewelry. In like manner, I should have known that my country men are below my thinking level and so, instead of valuing it, will attack it".

So, he stopped trying to talk to open deaf ears of his countrymen. Instead, he used his ideas to improve on himself to a point that his countrymen had no choice but to beg him to be their king in order to benefit from the obvious fruits of his wisdom..



I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

A Mindset That Makes Anybody Great In 30 Days

This is not an article to only read and go on as you read other articles. Instead, this is meant to be practiced or cultivated all the way.

Cultivate this mindset. Use every opportunity to practise it - and there will be many such opportunities everyday - and see where you find yourself in 30 days.

Here Is a statement of the mindset that I'm talking about (address it to yourself):

Whatever problematic situation that presents itself to me anywhere and any day, in my job, my family, my health or whatever - no matter how problematic it is - I realize that: 

(1) There is already a solution to THIS problem and the solution is within reach and mainly requires me to apply my spirit or mind by 'seeking'. 

(2) I was born to solve problems (yes, that's what justifies the existence of anything or anyone ever). It is my ontological responsibility to use my given human mind to solve this or any problem. 

(3) I walk my talk. I act on the fact. So, I go about doing just that - applying my mind to solve this problem to justify my existence.

To help you do this, I tell you a story: Before the age of formal education, traditional medicine men never studied botany or any sort of medicine. But how did they discover so many home made cures that they transferred from generation to generation in what  we now call traditional medicine? It was the kind of faith attitude mentioned above that propelled them. How? Whenever any health challenge arose, whether a fever, a reptilian or insect bite, a feat of convulsion or whatever, and amidst the helplessness of the situation, these great men dared to believe that some cures were around the corner and took a leap into the dark in search of the unknown cure much the way Abraham went in search of the Promised Land. God has also promised us a solution to every problem and so, enjoins us to "seek and you shall find".

Then, today, we have almost an endless list of documented inventors and their inventions in various fields. Read about each inventor and what you discover is that he or she dared to believe there was a solution to a problem that was deemed insoluble at the time. Think, for example of the Wright Brothers knowing we could fly above seas some time around 1900. Or you think of Alexander Graham Bell believing, as far back as 1870 that we could talk to one another across continents!

There is this saying that there are only two groups of people on Earth, namely, those who constitute problems and those who solve problems. Those who solve problems are the ones we call 'great' because they are justifying their existence. Then, see how jealous the rest of the world is when we call them great.

Now, enough of the self-destructive jealousy. All you need to join the league of the great, is to join the league of problem solvers by cultivating the mindset here in question. To the great, every problem is an opportunity. And problems are so abundant on Earth that everyone should be occupied with solving one problem or another without having any time to be jealous of someone else. So, next time you have the time to feel bitter that someone else is recognised, just know that it is because you are a failure - you have failed us all by not going about solving your share of our common problems on Earth.

Then, the matter gets even more serious to touch our very purpose of existence as humans on Earth. Many are losing sleep over the question "Why are we here on Earth?" If you belong here as you should, get your long-sought answer real and raw, here and now: I once read a novel in which a young graduate was overwhelmed by family problems and a friend advised him by reminding him thus (in similar words):

"The reason you went to the University, is to learn how to solve problems. Now, why are you overwhelmed by an opportunity to make sense of your education instead of embracing it with joy?"

I couldn't agree more. Or, otherwise, let someone tell me in one line, why we go to school if not to learn how to solve problems. And now I tell you, it is not only why we go to school, but why we are human beings or why anything is anything whatsoever. For example, water exists to solve the problem of thirst. Without solving such problems, water would be useless and deserve nobody's regard. A kitchen knife helps us to cut vegetables. Without solving such problems, a kitchen knife would be absolutely useless to us. 

We all (from humans to angels to air and water) exist to solve certain kinds of problems, without which our existence can never be justified. As Jesus once noted, "you are the salt of the Earth, but if salt has lost its taste, ... it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. (Matthew 5:13 English Standard Version). 

That's why, to the extent you are solving problems on Earth in your sphere of existence, to that extent you will know the joy of a fulfilled life. So, rather than waste your mental/spiritual energy to complain, worry or be bitter in the face of a problem, spend it the only right and fulfilling way: to solve problems in any capacity. I mean, you don't have to be an internationally recognized inventor to be great.

Please, share this and you will be helping to change the world for good. Imagine a world where people have more solution-oriented than jealousy-oriented minds. In such a world, people will experience more peace in their souls, there will be more interpersonal peace, where more human beings try to solve problems, human civilization will experience better advancement. Check it out yourself.


I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Why You Need To Be Happy With Problems

Problems range from clerical to social to administrative to spiritual, as far as life is concerned. And I once was fond of wondering why a good God would allow problems to trouble his beloved children. 

At first, I wondered why at all would such a good Father allow such an evil thing as I knew problems were. Then, as I became more mature, I realized why problems are not only allowed but also used by God, on us.  Why? 

Centuries of preachers have told us that these problems are for good, having been allowed by a good God. Now hear exactly how: God is training us, perfecting us for higher levels of existence. In this work of perfecting us, problems play a role similar to the one played by 🔥 in the work of turning raw food to cooked food or gold ore to pure gold. 

You can see that  according to the law of nature itself, a transformation from an inferior to a superior form, will always involve a challenge on the part of the inferior.  Pain purifies. Pleasure putrefies. As fire 'purifies' raw food to make it more useful to us, problems purify us to make us more useful to GOD as we apply our psyches (or spirits) to solve them. Problems crystallize higher evolutions of us out of us.


Monday, December 10, 2018

How I Stopped Getting Mad Over Past Mistakes

I know you may have had millions of motivational people and psycho healers telling you why and how to jettison the weight of your past that you might be carrying about. How very right they are in their own ways! Now, get my idea and add it to your weaponry in your war against regrets.
Before I proceed, it might interest you to know how much your regrets over your past mistakes affect your job and life negatively and generally. Let me tell you this with my own personal experience.

 Like anyone else struggling with human frailty, I have had my victories and failures in life. Looking back now, I realize none of these actually deserved an absolute tag of either 'failure' or 'victory' since certain victories led to failures and certain failures led to victories. My aim here is not to go to any details on these cases but to tell you the negative effects I permitted the 'failures' to produce in me and how I eventually upturned those effects.

First off, my life was just stagnant for years until I somehow thought it had to be that way since there was nothing I could lay hands on as being responsible for my plight. Incidentally, I had to read up stuffs and reflect over them, not really knowing what was going on until much later, years later. 

Eventually, the jigsaw began to piece together. "Oh yes" I seemed to realize. "Yes, yes, yes, I'm stuck in my past". I realized that, even in the dreamland, I would often be found in my elementary school and other past scenarios. Then, I also came to be conscious of my fixation on my past. I realized that I was in the mental habit of thinking "how could I have goofed?" in this or that instant. I would remember where and when I had said or did things I shouldn't have, and how it was now too late to not have had it that way.

There was even a time protracted joblessness made me regret ever going to high school and college since younger people I knew, who went into entrepreneurship after elementary school, were far more to be reckoned with than I was. And, there were even times I regretted ever being born and thought of ending my life to correct the mistake I was sure my life was. I realized I might be doing something and, all of a sudden, I would begin to beat myself, letting my mind trail off from the present concern. And, yes, it was a terrible life to have.

How did I finally come out of my past to my present to enable me get to my future?

1. I had to accept I am human and that I am therefore not alone in the forest of past mistakes. Every human being dead or living, have their own share of past mistakes. And, in fact, mistakes are so much a part of humanity that anyone who does not seem to have them, need not be proud of it. If you don't ever realize your own mistakes, it is likely that either you are so mentally poor you can't realize simple truth or you are so immature you are arrogantly denying obvious facts. Is it not then foolish of me to be so much fixated on the fact that I made mistakes, that I have been human?

2. I make a redress where I needed to and where possible. Toxic people find it extremely difficult to say sorry when they should. But I tell you that one of the sweetest experiences I have ever had is that of saying sorry genuinely from my heart. I don't need anyone one to say they have forgiven. Rather, once I know I was able to rise above self to admit my wrongs as mine and to express genuine remorse for them, I feel such an elation that must be how Paradise will feel. And some people think that saying sorry reduces their worth. But, my experience says the direct opposite: Some of the greatest respect I enjoy today, comes from where I most humbly and genuinely said sorry. Try it and see.

3. I completely resolve never to repeat any mistake I have made before. Well, I don't know how to tell you this but this resolve in question is more about being prayerful than being careful. A prayerful vigilance for the moment makes regrets over the past and anxiety towards the future, impossible. For me, praying is no other than living at the moment in the consciousness of Divinity. This consciousness alone connects you to the Divine Presence that's always right there with you. And when the Divine takes charge of your affairs, everything tends to work out on their own and for the best. 


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What you have read is inspired from Above to help YOU enjoy your work the more, whether you are a work-at-home mom, a factory worker, a white collar executive, a business owner, a government rep or whoever. It is one of such inspired thoughts I am given from time to time and called 'Wisdom From Heaven'. You can click on 'Home' below to read more and/or look below for the relevant SHARE buttons. Thank You.


I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

My Best Career Decision Ever Can Be Yours As Well

Although everyone seemed to know I was very uniquely gifted, I remained an expert at failing in everything for many years. But not until I took a decision to "pray about everything" (Phil 4:6-7).

Photo credit:

There was a time l took it for granted that praying is too serious a thing to be wasted on certain things I considered 'mundane trifles' such as my career life, or a file I am sorting or a sudden breakdown of my PC or a lady I was wooing(!). Or, was it actually that I did not consider prayer important enough to be a part and parcel of every area of my life? I think this latter should be more of it.

I CAME TO KNOW: It is certainly true that prayers get answered, but perhaps not as dramatically as some religious teachings claim. For instance, one very practical effect of truly praying about anything is that it immediately takes the psycho burdens off your spiritual shoulders. As you get light and lighter in your spirit,  fiam!, an idea you never knew existed, suddenly surfaces from nowhere, yet from somewhere, the Higher Realms.

And how do you pray? Well, everyone seems to already pray and yet, hardly are there people who truly pray in today's world. As Jesus is quoted to have said, "until now, you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be complete. 

As for me, after years of finding prayer almost always useless and ineffective, I found a most practical prayer idea in the same BIBLE I once looked on with terrible suspicion after years of getting disappointed that my prayers weren't answered as I was promised from so many pulpits. The prayer idea I am talking about, is domiciled in Psalm 94:9 which says, "fools, when will you understand? Can He who made the ear not hear? Can He who arranged the eye not see? " I got in this Bible verse, all the eureka I needed to genuinely pray. I realize beyond all doubt, that who/whatever has made these ears of mine cannot but be able to hear me and that only a moment of pure foolishness can ever prevent me from realizing this (surprisingly, even to myself,  I still have such moments of foolishness - a. k. a faithlessness - from time to time). 

But, I dare to break through my obviously foolish faithlessness, by visualizing the invisible Ear of the Maker of my ears, next to my mouth, and I whisper directly into that 👂 of 👂 👂 👂 - Ear of ears - that can only exist if my own ears have to exist. Oh, He hears!

I am also helped by another scripture directly attributed to Jesus Christ: "And when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have bolted the door, pray to your Father who is IN THAT SECRET PLACE and your Father who SEES all that is done in secret, will reward you openly". A-ha!  Not only that He hears and sees, He is also HERE,  wherever is called 'here', everywhere.

He Who Made the Ear can hear
As He Who Made Gravity and air
Should be everywhere
Even here,
Yes... HERE!

He is certainly also there at your work place. So, what do you do? This: from time to time while you are at work, whisper to Him, the Boss of your boss, instead of trying to seek favour from any human. Discuss every bit of every task and issue you are handling at any moment with Him UNDER YOUR BREATH OR BY SIMPLE GENUINE WHISPERS. If you do this, and you do it consistently, you virtually be the Boss even to your own boss.

What you have read is inspired from Above to help YOU enjoy your work the more, whether you are a work-at-home mom, a factory worker, a white collar executive, a business owner, a government rep or whoever. It is one of such inspired thoughts I am given from time to time and called 'Wisdom From Heaven'. You can click on 'Home' below to read more and/or look below for the relevant SHARE buttons. 


I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

Friday, December 7, 2018


On the altar of office politics and work place success and survival, your profile leans on your performance at work above all else. Obviously, this is one reason you don't want to be left out when it comes to excellence at performing your tasks. 

Surely, you will still have envious colleagues and superiors hating on you for your excellence, but they will all be helpless about you. For instance, when malicious rumours are brought before the members of the management, those rumours don't get heeded easily because even the management need and respect you for your excellent performances. 

So, we discuss how to take care of task knots as a means of ensuring excellence at your job on a daily basis.
The burden of career stress is the cause of early aging in many working people. Photo credit:

Every accountant should be familiar with what I prefer to refer to as 'financial parallax error'. One of its occurrence is a situation whereby a humongous money value appears at the totals, but every attempt to trace the value to the body of the calculations appear totally impossible. Although I'm no professional accountant, I know this from the different informal accounting roles I've played in my life and career. So I believed the error should be common in an accountant's job.

If you have run into financial parallax before, you surely will agree it was far far from fun. Was it? Nor are such task knots peculiar to parallax or to an accountant's job.

The tasks you encounter at work daily, come with their 'unexpecteds' that will often run into most bewildering complex situations. Just one of such can keep your stress levels as high as heavens themselves and for so long that I dare to hold it forth as the single undiscovered most common cause of early aging among working people.

How do you cope with such situations as financial parallax? Surely, going by what academic psychology teaches, you must have already developed your own coping mechanisms. But, right here, I share with you the simplest most effective way ever that I have used to overcome task knots no matter how they come and in whatever form, saving myself lots and lots of stress. 

This is it: I turn my mind away from the task and from myself. By a subtle (not struggling) application of my will, I turn my mind first to neutral and hold it there. What I call 'neutral' here, is a truly and totally blank state of mind, a tabula rasa as it is called. You must not achieve a total tabula rasa though to be successful in this. But the closer you get to it, the more likely you will succeed.

The aim of this exercise is not to disconnect your brain from you biologically, but instead, to disconnect your mind completely from humanity and its debris of base concerns that clog up the mind and spirit unnecessarily - as a preparation for the next step which has absolute importance for the present purpose.

The next step is about connecting to my Divinity. Once I truly enter my divine levels, the difficulty simply resolves with little or no adoes whatsoever: if you have practiced the previous step well, the telling sign is that you should be feeling tingly mentally, absolutely refreshed. And that should take you no more than 5 minutes to pull off. But, you are not expected to count time. Instead, just soar in the spirit for as long as it takes you to achieve a tabula rasa and then, connect to your Divinity. You might be wondering what this is supposed to mean. Well, it's no mystery at all as you will surely see just now.

As I have already said, in your 'neutral' you are expected to disconnect your mind from not only the task at hand, but also from virtually everything. To help you do this, I tell you this: Do you ever consider the case of someone who just died? How all his plans, worries and concerns gets abandoned in one brief instant? Now, I tell you that if YOU should die just now, all those your worries and bothers will no longer matter. Does this call for a fearful or irresponsible living? Certainly not. Instead, I urge you to learn from that why and how to disconnect your mind as I have already posited. Just imagine what the world and all its cares would mean to you JUST NOW if you were to be here and now dead! Now, try creating such mental scenario for a few minutes and you have achieved what I call your mental 'neutral' or a tabula rasa. Try it now and I promise you will soon be getting addicted to it. 

What you feel doing this might be the state of euphoria people seek in drugs except that it is without the damaging chemical effects of drugs. It's certainly a great mental state to attain but, as far as easing off task knots are concerned, you are not stopping there or you might be at the risk of being irresponsible. So, on we go.

How do you enter your divine level of mind that gets the knot resolved? First of all, you need to realize that by 'Divinity' I mean the Being of being, commonly called 'God' by the streeters. I mean This Real Being responsible for our very existence, who crafted us as we are - eye, ear, mind, body and all - and the entire Universe which we are witnesses to, every moment. Second, you need to realize that this Divinity is more real than anything else that is real. He is the Reality behind the reality of anything or anyone else what/whosoever. 

But Divinity is so great in dimension that our human natural faculties cannot grasp Him directly - so we say that He is invisible. Oh yes, Divinity is invisible TO US. As a scripture puts it, "God is spirit" (John 4:24).

We already mentioned that Divinity is the Reality behind the reality of everything and everyone. When it comes to us human beings, how in fact is God or Divinity the Reality behind our realities? Go into yourself and REALIZE yourself. Note the word 'realize' here, how it has a common root with the word 'real' and 'reality' and notice the connection. Realize that the REAL YOU cannot be seen with the natural human eye and yet, as you can testify even here and now, YOU are no less real. Oh yes, your guess is as good as mine: YOU are an invisible REALity, a spirit just like God. You are a copy of Divinity. It is what the ancients got as a revelation when they declared that we are made in the 'image and likeness' of God (Genesis 1:26) and also when they declared to us, "I tell you, you are gods" (Psalm 82:6 and corroborated by Jesus Christ on John 10:34). 

In actuality however, we are not copies of God the way a photocopy is of the original. We are not copies meant to be apart from the Original. Instead, we are meant to be parts and parcels of the Original, much like but far superior to, how a branch is a copy of the tree. It is the fact Jesus was at pains to make available to our human awareness level when he is quoted as saying in His Divinity, 'I am the Vine and you are the branches' (John 15:5). We are not just Divine copies, we are are Divine kinds and more that we may never be able to say at the contemporary evolution of our language. do all these concern you when we are only talking about the mere question of you handling your daily tasks efficiently with less tear and wear? Are we not like killing a fly with a sledge hammer? If you understood how spiritual are your daily tasks and life, you would know we are not yet going over the board here. For one thing, every task you embark on is a part of you obeying the Creator's instruction for us to 'subdue the earth and replenish it'. Again, we are talking about solving your daily task difficulties by taking advantage of your so called spiritual powers. We need to stop mystifying some of these things. And your task difficulties are not 'mere' any way. After all, they can make you age faster than you should.

So, what do you do when faced with an inexplicable task knot? How do you take advantage of these things we have been saying? One, instead of spending - or better, wasting - your spiritual/mental energy worrying about the task, after getting to your 'neutral' as already said, visualize your spirit as one with the Almighty Spirit of God. Let your humanity get lost in the Great Divine as a teaspoonful of water would get lost in an ocean and still be existing. The teadpoonful of water, when poured into the ocean, does not lose its essence. What it loses is it's form of existence: from limited to limitless. It is able to merge with the mighty Ocean only because, it was already a mini copy of the Ocean. Now... now... yes now, as a part of the Ocean, the power of the Ocean becomes the power of what was once a teaspoonful. It is carried on the shoulder of a Giant and, therefore, it is reckoned with as a giant. There is no other way to perform a miracle than this. 

Dear reader, my own dear reader, please listen to me: YOUR spirit is this teaspoonful in question here, and the ever abiding Divine Spirit, the Imman-u-El of Psalm 139, is the Divine Ocean. It is in This Divine Ocean "we all live and move and are" (Act 17:28). And, as valid mini copies of this Great Divine Ocean, we human spirits have a special opportunity of merging with it. When we do, we rule over the world and its difficulties such as our task, personal and social difficulties.

So, how do you apply all these when faced with a thorny situation here and now? Close your eyes, get to your neutral, then, by sheer power of your faith, visualize your spirit here and now as ONE with the Almighty Divinity (at the very point of your difficulty). Soak your consciousness in that state of your spiritual Oneness with the Almighty Spirit with whom nothing is ever difficult. As you do this, the difficulty before you resolves and dissolves. Quite often, you suddenly realize what you should have done and you know without a single doubt that that's the right course to follow. And, as you follow that course, resources, both physical and human, get delivered to you. But, there are zillion other ways the solution comes. 

What you have read is inspired from Above to help YOU enjoy your work the more, whether you are a work-at-home mom, a factory worker, a white collar executive, a business owner, a government rep or whoever. It is one of such inspired thoughts I am given from time to time and called 'Wisdom From Heaven'. You can click on 'Home' below to read more and/or look below for the relevant SHARE buttons. Thank you.


I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Activate Your Natural Spiritual Powers

My people, faith is power, endless power, as you will probably agree following this tip . Faith in God is power, not religion, if religion means the empty hurtful way of life we have known it to be. 

This faith sitting right here in the silence of your bosom, is endless power here and now. Now, get what you need to activate this power you already have - the total and true awareness of it. And, did I need to tell you you needed this stuff we call 'faith' in virtually everything you are concerned with and so, in your career life every step of the way? 

Now, after following this tip attentively, faith will certainly cease to be just a word to you. Instead, you will know it as POWER, your natural spiritual power capable of just anything.

To begin with, you need not be careless all because you've got faith. No. Faith, if it is true, can never produce even a semblance of irresponsibility which is what carelessness would portend. So, be careful with everyone you meet and know all because many people are carrying thoughts in their minds that you can never imagine possible. And, in fact, this is just one reason faith in God has only to be a necessary part and parcel of any fulfilled human life. 

You don't have what it takes to completely access other people's thoughts. So, tread carefully with them all, I mean ALL.  As Jesus put it, "Be harmless as a 🕊 but wise as a 🐍".

So be careful... But, far more importantly, be PRAYERFUL. 

I don't care about the religion you profess but, for me, praying is nothing else than acknowledging the Reality of the Being of being, the being that brought and brings being to be and, without whom you and I and all else, would have been absolute NOTHINGNESS. Our being here is as a result of His Being here. Although we may belong to different religions, we all belong to one Reality only. 

We have one Source, one Ultimate Parenthood. That's why whether we are Buddhists, or Christians, Hinduists or Muslims, Shintoists or whoever, we all normally have five fingers on each hand, and five toes on each foot. Not four for Muslims, five for Buddhists and six for Christians. A Real Being conscious and capable enough to place five fingers and five toes on each hand and foot with exactitude is our common Source. We have common physical and psychic features. We are all members of ONE reality obviously while we are members of different religions. In fact, as we know, not everyone is a member of a religion. But, everyone is a part and parcel of - that is, a member of - reality (Reality, actually). 

Therefore, no matter your religion, what you needed most, is to know the Being we call God, more really than religiously. I sense someone arguing silently over this point I have made just now. You can air your concern. But know this: this is no time for argument. It is rather time to manifest power, endless but latent power domiciled in every one of us, and is activated to the extent that its Source is acknowledged INDEED. So, we talk about the reality rather than the religiosity of faith.

What you have read is inspired from Above to help YOU enjoy your work the more, whether you are a work-at-home mom, a factory worker, a white collar executive, a business owner, a government rep or whoever. It is one of such inspired thoughts I am given from time to time and called 'Wisdom From Heaven'. You can click on 'Home' below to read more and/or look below for the relevant SHARE buttons. 


I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it.