Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Zero Fear Life Style: Learn It's Greatest Secret In Minutes

The other day, I was granted a brief peep into the spirit realm where I saw 98% of humanity gripped by deep subconscious fears. Topping the list of the objects of these fears were terrorism, war, organized crime,  poverty, pestilence and suchlike, and ultimately, death. And one area suffering so much from this human pandemic slavery to fear, is our productivity as a world and as individuals. For example, you can't believe the number of people who are not producing enough because, deeply under their breath they are thinking, "there's no point spending much of myself to build what I know I'd soon be relieved of".

Here, I share with you a message inspired by this vision. In another post, I will also share with you a very simple approach I received, which believers - as a matter of Divinely assigned responsibility - will use to put an end to organized terror in our world and respective countries. But, we can't do that without, first, defeating our slavery to fear. HOW I WISH YOU'D SUCK IN THIS TRUTH AND POWER TO THE LAST WORD. Now, the message:

I tell you this: that human life is an extremely beautiful thing to have. Yet, I also tell you, that human life is not at all a compulsory thing to have, for there is something better than human life, and which any of us can have right here and now. As one scripture puts this cardinal truth, "Oh Lord, your love is better than life itself" (Psalm 63:3).

Yes, the Source of Life is most correctly to be valued above life itself, or what do you think? And that Source is what you are going to start accessing just now. When you do, it will never ever again matter to you that you might lose your life, for all fear is the fear of death as someone said. For, to have a direct access to the Source of Life and still be afraid that you might lose that life, would be as stupid as having unrestrained access to a water reservoir and still fear that you might lose a cup of water you got from the reservoir. Think about this. I am almost certain that YOU who was responsible enough to read this message to this point so far, cannot afford to be that stupid.

As utterly great as your life absolutely is, it obviously has a Source other than itself. As great as your life clearly is - which is why you worry so much about the possibility of losing it - it still compares to its Source as a cup of water to the reservoir. The cup of water is great indeed, but the reservoir is incomparably great. Your life is a cup of water fetched from the Reservoir of Life whom we so belittlingly call 'God'.

Well, the name we call this Reservoir never matters as much as the Reservoir Himself. So we'd better focused on The Reservoir Himself, because this is a Reservoir of consciousness and will and utter reality just as we are. That's part of what the scripture means that says we are made in His Image and Likeness.

Well, are we only weaving words for the sake of literary aesthetics? Certainly not, for even this very moment, it is being proved everywhere that what we are saying is total reality beyond just words.


I urge everyone to read my recent post entitled "THE SECRET SPIRITUALITY OF SIMPLE SEX" which is about the secret power of every person's sexuality that 95% of people don't seem to know about. Click here to read it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, you have a great message. May God's hand hold and guide you still.
